You have been asked to be a reference. Please complete the following.
This person has volunteered to serve as a guardian or conservator with the Kansas Guardianship Program. Please respond to the following questions to assist us in the process of screening the applicant. The information you provide will be kept confidential and not be released to the applicant or any other party without your written permission. Thank you for giving this your prompt attention.
Please rate the abilities and characteristics of the applicant with the following scale: 5 = high, 1 = low, DK = Don't Know
2. KGP seeks volunteers who are compassionate, caring and able to serve as personal advocates.
3. KGP seeks volunteers who are dependable and keep commitments.
4. KGP seeks volunteers able to make wise and appropriate decisions regarding another person.
5. KGP volunteers may handle another person's financial affairs such as managing finances, bill payment and maintaining accurate financial records.